So the other day, I was in our little village library, when I was offered some free paint brushes. As it happens. Apparently some local arty type didn't want them anymore and for reasons I can't quite fathom (perhaps intended for the library fete stall? Which sells only books?) had passed them on to the library. Who, knowing what I do, suggested that I might like them.

Did I ever! My heart at that point literally thumped a bit faster. Investigations found plenty of sables and some unused hog hairs - most of them were used, but I don't mind not having to wear a brush in (it's a bit like fountain pens, they are better when they are not minty fresh). More brushes than I could afford to buy in one go, anyway. And they even came with their own pot.

A more blatant sign from the Universe that I need to start painting again, after a ten month break, I cannot imagine.